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Online Safety Info

Online Safety Leads

Lou Doyle - Interim online safety and IT lead


What does it mean at Doubletrees?

At Doubletrees, we prioritise all aspects of safeguarding our young people and this includes their online safety.

We aim to educate our young people to be aware and know what to do if they feel unsafe through our PSHE programme and this includes educating them how to keep safe online. We have termly focuses that cover a variety of aspects of online safety. This starts with an online safety day near the start of each term, with a key focus and the skills taught are embedded throughout the term.

Included below is documentation to support both parents and learners with their online safety. If you have any concerns about your young person’s safety online, please contact Phil or Caitlin, or any of the safeguarding leads (Heidi Hoskin, Lou Doyle and Joanne Hobbs)