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EYFS SPT Curriculum Offer

EYFS Curriculum


To provide the nurture and support that will allow the best transition from home and nursery to full time schooling.  Through an interest led curriculum, designed to take account of sensory and individual therapy needs, we will promote an early love of learning that will form the foundations for school life.  Teaching about routines, learning behaviours and self-care routines are a vital component of the Early Years phase of schooling. The information gained through the EYFS stage of schooling is used to inform the curriculum pathway that the child follows as they continue their learning journey.


The EYFS curriculum is delivered through the prime areas of Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical development and the specific areas of Literacy, Mathematics, Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World.  These curriculum strands are woven/timetabled through the school day, with the main emphasis being on the prime areas of learning.  Pupil engagement is maximised by using the interests and learning styles of the children to plan themed activities.  Play and exploration allows children to extend play skills, develop new interests and learn in ways that are appropriate to their age and stage of development.  We provide a high quality environment that promotes a love and respect for learning and enhances the learning experience.


Our pupils enjoy their first experience of school as they are supported so well by staff that understand their needs, respect their learning style and are committed to forming nurturing relationships that provide safety and security.  Through the high quality experiences that the school provides they learn, through play, exploration and taught sessions that are relevant to their learning needs, they begin to understand routines, develop behaviours that support their learning and become as autonomous as possible in elements of self-care.  The B Squared EYFS assessment tool tracks progress in all areas supporting teachers to ensuring that all pupils make expected or exceeded progress in the curriculum.  Children leaving the EYFS phase are well prepared for the next stage of learning with their assessment data and knowledge gained about the child’s learning style informing the curriculum pathway that the children follow through school.